姓名 |
雍雪 |
职称 |
讲师 |
导师类别 |
学位 |
农学博士 |
电子邮箱 |
研究方向 |
园林植物选育与应用 |
学术、技术组织任职/头衔 |
无 |
教育及工作经历 |
2007年.09-2011年.07,四川师范大学,园艺专业,本科; 2011年.09-2014年.07,华南农业大学,观赏园艺学专业,硕士; 2015年.09-2021年.07,北京林业大学,园林植物与观赏园艺专业,博士; 2022年.03-至今,四川农业大学,园林系,讲师; |
教学工作 |
主要承担课程:《园林植物遗传育种》《园林树木学》 所在团队:“特色花卉种质资源创制与关键技术研究”教学团队 |
指导学生创新实验、科研兴趣计划项目 |
无 |
教学、科研、设计成果 /编著教材等 |
无 |
科研项目 |
无 |
代表性论文/代表性设计作品/授权专利、品种 |
[1] Yong X., Zheng T., Han Y., Cong T., Li P., Liu W., Ding A., Cheng T., Wang J., Zhang Q.. The miR156-Targeted SQUAMOSA PROMOTER BINDING PROTEIN (PmSBP) Transcription Factor Regulates the Flowering Time by Binding to the Promoter of SUPPRESSOR OF OVEREXPRESSION OF CO1 (PmSOC1) in Prunus mume [J]. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2022,23(19): 11976. [2] Yong X., Zheng T., Zhuo X., Ahmad, S., Li L., Li P., Yu J., Wang J., Cheng T., Zhang Q.. Genome-wide Identification, Characterisation, and Evolution of ABF/AREB Subfamily in Nine Rosaceae Species and Expression Analysis in Mei (Prunus mume) [J]. Peer J, 2021(9): e10785. [3] Yong X., Zhou Y., Zheng T., Zhao, K., Ahmad, S., Li Y., Han Y., Wang J., Cheng T., Zhang Q.. PmSOC1s & PmDAMs Participate in Flower Bud Dormancy of Prunus mume by Forming Protein Complexes and Responding to ABA [J]. European Journal of Horticultural Science, 2021(86). [4] Han Y., Yong X., Yu J., Cheng T., Wang J., Yang W., Pan H., Zhang Q.. Identification of Candidate Adaxial-Abaxial-Related Genes Regulating Petal Expansion During Flower Opening in Rosa chinensis “Old Blush” [J]. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2019 (10):1098. [5] Zhou, Y., Xu, Z., Yong, X., Ahmad, S., Yang W., Cheng T., Wang J., Zhang Q. SEP-class genes in Prunus mume and their likely role in floral organ development. BMC Plant Biology, 2017, (10). [6] Zhao, K., Zhou, Y., Ahmad, S., Yong, X., Xie X., Han Y., Li Y., Sun L., Zhang Q. PmCBFs synthetically affect PmDAM6 by alternative promoter binding and protein complexes towards the dormancy of bud for Prunus mume. Science Report, 2018 (8), 4527 . [7] Li, P., Zheng, T., Zhuo, X., Zhang, M., Yong, X., Li, L., Wang J., Cheng Tangren, Zhang, Q.. Photoperiod-and temperature-mediated control of the ethylene response and winter dormancy induction in Prunus mume. Horticultural Plant Journal, 2021,7(3), 232-242. [8] Zhao, K., Zhou, Y., Li, Y., Zhuo, X., Ahmad, S., Han, Y., Yong, X., Zhang, Q.. Crosstalk of PmCBFs and PmDAMs based on the changes of phytohormones under seasonal cold stress in the stem of Prunus mume. International journal of molecular sciences, 2018, 19 (2), 15. |
指导挑战杯、创青春、互联网+等双创项目获省级奖项 |
无 |